Vril and Its Uses
Vril is a kind of living energy, generated by the sun at the heart of The Hollow Earth, that can be seen as an all-permeating fluid possessed by a subterranean race (the Vril-ya), who are said to be the descendants of Atlantis. Its uses amongst the Vril-ya vary from an agent of destruction to a healing substance, and some believe it is a basic building block of the universe ... or, at least, the glue that holds everything together.
Vril can be changed into the mightiest agency over all types of matter, both animate and inanimate. It can destroy like lightning or replenish life, heal, or cure. It is used to rend ways through solid matter. Its light is said to be steadier, softer and healthier than that from any flammable material. It can also be used as a power source for animating mechanisms. Vril can be harnessed by use of the Vril staff or mental concentration. |
Vril Staff
Artifact 3
A Vril staff is an object, carved from orichalcum, in the shape of a wand or a staff which is used as a channel for Vril. It is hollow with 'stops', 'keys', or 'springs' in which Vril can be altered, modified or directed. The staff is about the size of a walking stick but can be lengthened or shortened according to the user's preferences. It is that the destructive force is so great that "the fire lodged in the hollow of a rod directed by the hand of a child could cleave the strongest fortress or cleave its burning way from the vanguard to the rear of an embattled host".
The Vril Staff is basically an energy weapon.
Dmg | Str | Rng | Cap | Rate | Spd | Cost | Wt |
(WP)* L | 1 | 150ft | ~ | 1 | A | n/a | 12lbs |
*Where WP is the user's Willpower.
If the user wishes, and makes a Willpower roll (ie. 2 x WP) against a Difficulty rating of 3, then the Vril may be used for some other purpose besides destruction e.g. powering an Atlantean device, casting a circle of light (radius = 10ft x Willpower roll result); creating an energy shield around the staff holder (with a strength equal to the Willpower roll result).
It can only be used as an energy shield once a day before needing to recharge; if suffers more damage than it can stop the field collapses and the staff holder suffers the remainder of the damage.
Vril Bath
It is their custom ... perhaps four times a-year when in health, to use a bath charged with vril. They consider that this fluid, sparingly used, is a great sustainer of life; but used in excess, when in the normal state of health, rather tends to reaction and exhausted vitality. For nearly all their diseases, however, they resort to it as the chief assistant to nature in throwing off the complaint.
I once tried the effect of the vril bath. It was very similar in its invigorating powers to that of the baths at Gastein, the virtues of which are ascribed by many physicians to electricity; but though similar, the effect of the vril bath was more lasting.
- Vril: The Power of The Coming Race (chapter 15), Edward Bulwer Lytton (1870)
The vril bath is more akin to a natural spring, being a slightly larger-than-mansize bowl of water in a carefully guarded cavern, giving off a sparkling, golden glow. Just touching it makes your fingers tingle, however full immersion immediately restores any lost Nonlethal damage as the vril begins to take effect.
Every half-an-hour in the bath allows a disease sufferer a new check to purge himself of whatever he is suffering from - regardless of the stated duration of the disease.
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